Wednesday, December 22, 2004

The Sun

This is the first day of winter and the day that the sun begins its return.

Last night was the longest night.

I talked with a friend from Caracas about an hour ago and today is the longest day where she is.

It's rather remarkable how we view the earth from our northern perspective as if the other doesn't even exist.

Where is South America anyway?

Humankind is only a few decades away from nanoconducting power paints made from bucky balls and other forms of carbon that will allow us to completely forget about oil, natural gas, and nuclear fission energy. We are literally on the brink of changing the way we power everything.

Soon, anytime a photon of light hits a man made surface, that surface will turn that photonic energy into electron energy that can be channeled and employed to power our tools and our shelter.

I talked with a friend who said that humankind doesn't have a chance because of Peak Oil. He says that the party is over and that we don't have the time or the money to create a solar-hydrogen economy. Just for icing, you can go on and add Climate Change into the mix.

It is rather remarkable how we view the earth from our northern perspective as if the other doesn't even exist.

Where is the Sun anyway?

I'm going to head that direction.

And be back in a few days.

Be good to Baby Jesus if you see him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

if we are this close to an affordable technology that provide clean energy, why we would ever invest in coal, or nuclear, or deep sea drilling?

11:08 AM  
Blogger oZ said...

The answer is three fold: One, in the capitalist system, there is a strong tendency to avoid the stranding of investment. Owners of coal reserves want to sell those reserves. Two, the criticality of our situation has not yet been recognized by industry and government, and three, achievement of an advanced "Bucky Ball" or similiar solar solution has not yet become the holy grail of the intelligencia.
Peak Oil, Climate Change, and Technological Acceleration will change this.

10:15 AM  

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