Monday, March 22, 2010

Camino Quemado


We have been in the mountains of Wirikuta in our place arriba la luna overlooking the zocolo and the wonderful pueblo that the Spanish called Catorce. Here, our days consist of lots of good reading, drinking and eating, plenty of rest, good conversations with our many friends from all over the World, and as soon as our red blood cell count allows it, great hikes through these mountains. 

One of the leading trips is the one to Quemado. Folks come from all over the world to make the pilgrimage to this Holy site. To this day, the Huichole bring their young and their initiates here to bring them into the rights and rituals of this unique tribe that still lives much as they did before the Europeans came onto their lands. 

We were saying the other night while visiting with friends that here in Mexico, time is wide. You might see a man with his donkey hauling flowers and the next moment pass an internet cafe full of tech savvy, internet surfing citizens of the world. Mexico is a place full of ambiguities, mystery, and uncertainty. 

We made this movie to help capture part of the beauty and the depth that is Real de Catorce


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Blogger Vista de Peyote Cafe said...

thanx for this little taste of Real today--wish i were there

paul m

11:24 PM  

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