Thursday, November 22, 2007

Songs About Friendship

We hear each other talking, and something hears us. Listen to what listens when you talk, and then you are heard. You are heard through screen windows, underneath sleeping bags by the fire , from the next fluorescent lit cubicle and in a child's dream of horses standing in a field.

In the dream, the horses are standing, not running, comfortable in their power to flee together. You are heard in the next room, a room of voices that lives between us and hums around us. There is no measurement to take here except with our hands as they search for the walls of the room of our voices and the voice between us ...listening.

Let us build that room again and again, my friend. When the prophets were kept late in class by God, they thought of lunch, and so for the price of a buffet, we are eating their miracle. It is almost beyond belief, that we are eating sushi together now and may yet live long enough to share enchiladas at dinner.

We are born into this world expecting to eat with another human being, and it is meeting and giving to that need which touches soul. Remember those conversations with your father in whcih you asked about building a house that would last forever?

You remind me that we are, all of us and everything, happening in the same place at the same time. (You know.) And everything we know of each other can be signaled by hand across large fields, by the way your voice finds its rest in a song or by the light shared between stars.

The last line in the song "Taps" is "God is nigh." At camp the younger kids would sing, "God is nice." When I see your face across the table, my friend, I feel as though both those sentiments have become true.

It is something in between us, the voice of the miracle of nothing that is something, that gives us the sound of we.

Respectisthehub 1996


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Blogger respectisthehub said...

"Gracias a la vida que me ha dado tanto." Gracias por todo de los amigos y la familia en este dia y todo los dias. Come bien y vaya con Dios.

11:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i relish and give thanks for the blessing of sharing a table with you and your family and looking across to see hope.

p.s. the wolf looks ever so inviting with its bounty and the loving energy put forth.

dandando gracias en mexico... d & mjo

8:41 AM  

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