Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Mugwump


Amongst all of the inanity that falls from the congressional orify of those who claim to be addressing the great issues that are before us, this one stands out.


The SPEAKER pro tempore laid before the House the following communication from the Speaker:

February 14, 2007.

I hereby appoint the Honorable MICHAEL E. CAPUANO to act as Speaker pro tempore on this day.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

The Reverend Carl Toti, Senior Pastor,
Trinity Church, Lubbock, Texas,
offered the following prayer:

Let’s welcome God’s presence into our hearts and into this place. ‘‘I lift my eyes up to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and Earth.’’

Father, hear our prayers. ‘‘If My people, called by My name, will humble themselves, pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.’’

We pray this Nation will return to the faith exhibited by men and women who trusted God, forged a Nation out of wilderness, raised families guided by standards from Your Word, and established a Nation that presently is the rival of the entire world. May the same standards be raised high by these leaders You have placed over us. May integrity and wisdom guide them to make decisions that please You.

Father, shield our military troops protecting our freedoms around the world. May godly decisions be made concerning them. Lord, we ask that You would guide and bless our Representatives as they advance our Nation.

I pray in the name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.


The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair will entertain 15 one-minutes per side.


(Mr Oz asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.)

Mr. OZ. Thank you. Pastor Toti just prayed these words. "Father, hear our prayers. ‘‘If My people, called by My name, will humble themselves, pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.’’

And I want to second that.

He then said, "We pray this Nation will return to the faith exhibited by men and women who trusted God, forged a Nation out of wilderness, raised families guided by standards from Your Word, and established a Nation that presently is the rival of the entire world."

This nation has become the rival of the whole world.

Now the good pastor just said that this nation is wicked and that we are the rival of the world.

I agree.

Vladimir Putin agrees.

This war is not about fighting terrorism. In our hearts, we all know that. It is about our strategic interests. And Operation Iraqi Liberation provides the right acronym for what we are doing.

Now, my friends on the right say this is about freedom, but mostly about "not losing" this war to a pitiful so called enemy that has the resources and capabilities of a gnat compared to the wealth of the great western nations they are fighting, who now occupy their lands for their riches.

Pastor Toti is right. What we are doing in Iraq and in the Mideast, in general, is wicked. And we should stop it.

But to my dismay, my friends on the left say we should "bring the troops home", or that we should "redeploy". But they offer no solution to the problem, which is not terrorism by the way, it is our need to invade and prop up these countries and regimes where our strategic interests lie.

We must solve this issue, that our present strategic interests lie primarily in foreign lands, if we truly intend to win this so called War on Terrorism, which is actually born out of our own strategic vulnerability.

We must do that by moving away from these resources.

We can start today towards a post carbon economy.

We can plow the trillions, yes trillions, we will put into these wars,

defending our strategic interests,

and put our time, our money, and our young people

into building an advanced economy that runs on light.

Simultaneously, we must craft an enlightened view

of our role in this world.

If we do this, we may not make the oil rich Putin very happy,

but I think God will feel just fine about it, and

He just might forgive our sins,

and heal our land.

I yield the balance of my time.


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Blogger oZ said...

I made a small change to the post on Friday morning by adding "will put into the wars".

8:31 AM  

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