Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Grow a Pair













 In 2017, with the help of some seasoned professionals, I founded the Texas Electric Transportation Resources Alliance.  Now, in our 4th year, we have almost 1200 members and we recently received our fifth grant.  

You may say that you care about doing something about climate change, but if you are not driving an electric car right now, you are fooling yourself. I know that's hard, but so is the future we are facing.

The 26th Conference of Parties for The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change meeting Glasgow this November was a modest success to some.  These are the accomplishments:

Delegates forged agreements that strengthen ambition in the three pillars of collective climate action.

Adaptation was the object of particular emphasis during the deliberations. Parties established a work programme to define the global goal on adaptation, which will identify collective needs and solutions to the climate crisis already affecting many countries. The Santiago Network was further strengthened by elaborating its functions in support of countries to address and manage loss and damage. And the CMA approved the two registries for NDCs and Adaptation Communications, which serve as channels for information flowing towards the Global Stocktake that is to take place every five years starting in 2023. 

Finance was extensively discussed throughout the session and there was consensus in the need to continue increasing support to developing countries. The call to at least double finance for adaptation was welcomed by the Parties. The duty to fulfill the pledge of providing 100 billion dollars annually from developed to developing countries was also reaffirmed. And a process to define the new global goal on finance was launched.

 On mitigation, the persistent gap in emissions has been clearly identified and Parties collectively agreed to work to reduce that gap and to ensure that the world continues to advance during the present decade, so that the rise in the average temperature is limited to 1.5 degrees. Parties are encouraged to strengthen their emissions reductions and to align their national climate action pledges with the Paris Agreement.

In addition, a key outcome is the conclusion of the so-called Paris rulebook. An agreement was reached on the fundamental norms related to Article 6 on carbon markets, which will make the Paris Agreement fully operational.  This will give certainty and predictability to both market and non-market approaches in support of mitigation as well as adaptation.  And the negotiations on the Enhanced Transparency Framework were also concluded, providing for agreed tables and formats to account and report for targets and emissions.

This sounds like well meaning diplomatic gobblety-gook to me. The best thing they agreed to is to meet every year from now on.

I was at the  climate meeting in Paris. As Chairman of the Electric Utility Commission, I was part of the delegation from Austin. That was six years ago, and after talking with close friends who attended this year's conference, I now tend to agree with this alternative view from Job One for Humanity.

1. The Global Emergency is far worse than the government, the media and UN Panel on Climate Change are telling us. 

2 .We are long past the point of individual actions alone saving us.  Only worldwide concerted action and mass mobilization can save us from extinction.

3. Because of internal climate system momentum factors, human inertia factors and 40 years of failed fossil fuel reduction, we have only until 2025 to maintain realistic control of our global warming future.

4. The rate of global warming consequences will soon start rising exponentially instead of linearly.

5. Now that critical global warming tipping points are being crossed, many systems like Arctic sea ice, glaciers, oxygen producing plankton, and thawing frozen tundra will begin to collapse almost completely.

6.  If we do not make the required reductions in time, Mother Nature will painfully make them for us.

7.  Our ancestors have unfortunately left us with mental and emotional hardwiring that does not recognize or respond well to distant, complex, or slowly moving threats.

The four critical tipping points are these:

The 2025 carbon 425-450 ppm tipping point  (the first extinction triggering level)

The 2042-2067  carbon 500 ppm carbon level (the acceleration tipping point)

The 2063-2072 carbon 600 ppm massive methane release tipping point.

The 2072 carbon 750 ppm runaway global warming tipping point.

If we pass the  four critical deadlines and tipping points, we will experience mass human, animal, and biological extinction. We will also experience widespread economic, social and political chaos in the lifetimes of virtually all of us.

The solution is not that complicated and it is not expensive.

We must begin to see that the atmospheric carbon that will kill us is a  resource.

We need for almost all of our electricity to be non carbon renewables.

We need almost all transportation to be electric.

We need the entire earth to grow a beard and to stop shaving the beards we will need to survive.

So show your neighbors and your children that you care 

and go buy or lease a fun, fast, reliable electric vehicle.

Grow a pair.


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